It Is Finished (John 19:1-42)

We have now come to the pinnacle moment of the Gospel of John. Everything Jesus has done and said has led to this moment, everything that was foreshadowed in the story of Israel and promised in the Old Testament prophets, everything in God’s plan for redemption hangs on this passage. Pastor Brent describes how Jesus is exalted as King and lifted up on a throne of glory to become the Savior of the world.

The Real King (John 18:28-40)

Pastor Brent works through the next part of Jesus’ trial, this time focusing on his confrontation with the powers of a worldly kingdom: the Roman governor Pilate. We see that Jesus’ kingdom is not of this world and his purpose is to testify to the truth about his sovereignty and saving work. This passage reveals the intensifying of the rejection of Jesus and the uniqueness authority of his kingship.

I Am The True Vine (John 15:1-17)

(November 5, 2023) Associate Pastor Steve Douglas opens up John 15 to walk through Jesus’ 7th and final “I Am” statement: I am the True Vine. This passage reveals our deepest need to abide in Christ as our source of life and our security day-by-day. As the Father prunes and as we draw our life from Christ, we will bring glory to the Father through a fruitful life centered in the gospel.

Unified In Christ (John 17:20-26)

Pastor Brent shares a message from the end of Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer in John 17. Here Jesus ends his prayer by praying for the coming generations of believers who will hear the message of the gospel. Jesus prays for unity that is founded on the substance of the gospel, flowing from the oneness of Father and Son, with the purpose of proclaiming the message of Christ to the world.

TBT: The New Heavens and New Earth (Isaiah 65:17-25)

Throwback Thursday! We are starting something new. We will be posting sermons from previous series on Thursdays for fun! If you’re new at New Life, or if you’d like to be reminded of our past sermons, take time to listen to the ways the Lord has taught us throughout the years. Our first series: “Heaven is Coming” from fall 2019. This series introduces a biblical vision of heaven and dispels some misconceptions about the new heavens and new earth. Enjoy! (original sermon from September 8, 2019)

The Work of the Spirit (John 15:26-16:15)

Pastor Brent dives into a passage that focuses on the work of the Holy Spirit. The disciples are confused and worried as Jesus tells them that he is going to be with the Father after the cross and resurrection. In this passage we learn a critical truth about the Christian life: We are not alone because we have the personal presence of God indwelling in us: The Holy Spirit. He will testify about Jesus, convict the world of sin, and guide Christ’s followers.

Transforming: We Are Stewards of the Gospel (Matthew 25:14-30)

Who are we living for? Whose kingdom are we trying to build? Pastor Brent looks at the parable of the talents to show how God has entrusted us with all kinds of skills, relationships, time, money, and ultimately the message of the gospel!. While we wait for his return, he has sovereignly commissioned us for such a time as this to boldly bear witness to the good news of his cross and resurrection in our community.

Welcoming: We Have Received The Gospel (1 Peter 2:4-10)

Pastor Brent opens a short sermon series on our church’s core values: Welcoming, Transforming, Sending. These three markers of our church are truly centered on the gospel. We begin this week by examining the biblical foundation for why we are a welcoming church where there is a distinct sense of family and commitment to each other. This stems from the gospel: We are sinners saved by grace, we have received a gift, and we have been welcomed into God’s household. Therefore, we extend the same grace for each other and open our lives to follow Christ together.

The Spirit of Truth (John 14:15-31)

Pastor Brent opens up the rest of John 14 to help us see our desperate need for the personal presence of God through the Holy Spirit. Jesus promises to send the Spirit of Truth, the Advocate, who will help us and dwell in us so that we can walk in joyful obedience to Christ. We are called to costly love and full devotion to the Lord, and we need the Holy Spirit to empower us and come to our defense when we fail.