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Advent Devotional - Dec 11 - 2 Samuel 7

Read 2 Samuel 7

Contemplate: David wanted to build a permanent temple for the Lord. But God tells David that his son, Solomon, will be the one to build a temple. But this passage has a greater meaning. It points ahead to another man in David’s lineage, Jesus, who will establish his kingdom. Jesus will be punished by a rod and by floggings inflicted by human hands (not because Jesus himself did wrong, but because he took on our punishment). But God’s love will never be taken away from Jesus, and Jesus will establish the house of David and David’s throne forever. Jesus will build the permanent temple: his own presence with his People in heaven. 

Pray: Thank God for his sovereign plan, his grace, and his power to accomplish our salvation. Follow David’s lead and pray in the same manner that David prays in verses 18-29. Pray humbly and pray boldly. Thank God for his salvation plan.