Advent Devotional - Dec 16 - Isaiah 8:19-9:7

Read Isaiah 8:19-9:7

Contemplate: At this moment when the people of Jerusalem are in grave danger at the hands of the Assyrians, Isaiah foresees God’s ultimate deliverance of his people. For the southern Kingdom of Judah, this is a time of great distress and darkness. They are on a path of destruction and they need to be saved. Isaiah sees that a child will be born in Galilee and he will end the destruction and he will sit on David’s throne and reign forever in justice and righteousness. He will create peace and will end the destruction of God’s people. All this will be accomplished by the zeal of the Lord. God will do it.

Pray: Praise Jesus that he is the “Wonderful Counselor”: he is wise and will guide you. Praise Jesus that he is the “Mighty God”: he is sovereign and holy. Praise Jesus that he is the “Everlasting Father”: he cares for you as his own child. Praise Jesus that he is the “Prince of Peace”: thank him for achieving peace and reconciling all things.